Tooth Loss Doesn't Mean Your Smile is Lost for Good

Tooth Loss Doesn't Mean Your Smile is Lost for Good

Losing teeth is certainly frustrating but it doesn’t mean that you can’t still have a full, attractive smile again.

Losing most or all of your teeth can be quite detrimental, not only to your oral health but also your self-confidence. But you aren’t out of luck! Talking to our Lawrenceville, NJ, dentists, Dr. Scott Haimes and Dr. Allan Weisberg, can help. We offer a variety of tooth replacement options so that you are never at a loss for what to do about your tooth loss. Find out how dentures might help you:

Getting a tooth replacement will benefit your health, appearance and self-confidence. Without a dental restoration to provide ample support, the face will sag and cause you to look older than you actually are. Without teeth, it can also be difficult to chew or speak properly. These are things that we don’t often think about or appreciate until we are dealing with tooth loss. But dentures can also make eating and speaking much easier.

There are different kinds of dentures to choose from. Those who are missing only some of their permanent teeth can benefit from partial dentures, while those with total tooth loss will enjoy the benefits of a full set of dentures.

If unhealthy teeth have to be extracted first, one of our Lawrenceville, NJ, dentists will give you immediate dentures right after the extraction. In the visit prior to removing damaged teeth we will also take measurements and impressions of your mouth from which to create your dentures. Of course, immediate dentures allow the wearer to have teeth the entire time while their mouth is healing from the extractions.

Once you get your dentures, you should treat them just like natural teeth. You will want to brush them every day to remove food and debris and to keep them looking their best. We will also provide you with information on how to properly care for your dentures.

Dentures have been a great option for many of our patients. Find out if they might be able to replace your missing teeth and give you a smile you’ll be proud of. Call Haimes & Weisberg Family Dentistry serving Lawrenceville, NJ, today.